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School Days: My thoughts on the first day of "Teaching w/ Technology"
Oh my goodness! What an incredible class... we get to learn how to utilize technology that I can use in my everyday life and towards my teaching career. Our instructors, Mr. Stanzler and Mrs. Keren-Kolb, seem like very talented and kind people. I feel that they will be able to teach us a lot, while keeping the course fun and interesting. For example, we started off with introductions and had the opportunity to create a drawing of our ideal classroom. I really liked that activity and I think it got our imaginations going. There were some amazing drawings out there! I believe that if you can imagine something, then anything is possible! The introduction to the course made me feel that if we learn how to correctly use technology, then our students will truly be able to benefit in their course. So... I am looking forward to the new school year and the new possibilities that the technology course will provide.
Before I forget, the chatzy backroom conversation site is pretty outstanding!! I love that we can chat/clear up our confusion about the class while class is going on! .... wonderful :)
And this is my new kitten.... (she is pretty wonderful as well!)
I'm glad that you came away from the first session seeing potential for your experience in 504 to be of use to you in your teaching. I think that some of the web 2.0 tools (podcasting, in particular) are natural fits for the world language classroom.
I truly believe that, as you very nicely state it, the key thing is letting loose your imagination (fed by your beliefs about the kind of experience you want for your students). There'll be a fair amount of pressure to orient your teaching to they way it's been done, and there's lots to learn from previous models and approaches. I think that what makes some classrooms really special places is the willingness of teachers to spend some time imagining, and then bringing their passion for those imaginings into their teaching. There's real power in that, Maria, and you seem to have figured that out already.
Have fun...
So cute and tiny! I want a kitten... You should bring her to class some day.
Or at least post new pictures.
Chatzy is pretty cool though I'm not certain I would want to use it in class. Maybe if I was worried they were going to their own chat site instead, I would put it all up in the background and put it up on the board to it could be monitored. Keeping them busy is helpful!
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