Thursday, July 24, 2008


The summer segment of our program is almost over and it's hard to believe. The past few weeks have been filled with lots of change, meeting new people, new information, deadlines, and technology (oh, and chatzy! could I forget).

I feel that I am on a system overload and need to process all the information being given to us in order to finish the August deadlines, and start the new school year with a bang! I'm excited to see where it will lead me...

As for the technology, all I can say is that I am really, really glad we have a Mac computer for school related business (and its so convenient to carry around). Also, I am intrigued to see what kind of technology I'll be using during student teaching at Pioneer. But... I am a big promoter of forming personal relationships and the human connection. I hope that I'll be able to utilize technology in just the right amount to promote learning, but going overboard.


Rebekah said...

I think it would be easy to go overboard and end up focused on the pretty, shiny, colorful technology - forgetting entirely that you are supposed to do some teaching at some point, too.

Hopefully it can be a tool rather than something that controls the classroom. Except I do like the idea of a robot teaching assistant to do the grading and make me coffee.

Love the picture. It really goes with the theme of tech taking over lives, doesn't it?

Jeff Stanzler said...

Maria (and Rebekah)...the process by which you make sense of when and where learning technologies are useful, and when they're gratuitous, is one part of your professional development this year, and in the coming years. Liz and I will look forward to your ongoing reflections on these kind of questions, and how you make sense of your experience, what kind of evidence you gather (and how you assess the value of that evidence).