Le Petit Prince quotation in the title explains a secret, that one can only see rightly with their heart....
I think that it's really important to remember this idea while going through my year intenstive program. A lot of my classes have talked about helping students achieve both academically and personally. Therefore, opening my heart to my future students and my present MAC classmates and teachers is going to help me have more fulfilling experiences. I believe that academic and personal gains result not only from a good work ethic, but from getting to know the people around you. You must try to understand a person's background, viewpoints, passions, values, and areas of difficulty in order to develop a mutually beneficial relationship.
Also, our technology class discussion on the thoughts of John Dewey really impacted me. He believe that education is a process of living. The value of education is a concept that should be applied to the present, children have knowledge that is worth something and should be built upon. Building connections between people is very important, and it should most definitely be applied to our students. You need to meet a student half way and connect with them in order to produce meaningful results.
How scary it is to think that a teacher has the future of a child in his or her hands! Nevertheless, I have decided that I am not scared. My passion devours the terror.
I have decided this is the only way to move forward. I am going to embrace the challenges and the changes that I have experienced during the start of the MAC program. By doing so, I feel that my life lessons will help me somehow connect with my students and positively influence their lives.
On a lighter note: Remember to enjoy life, do a little dance, and travel the world.
This video may help guide you: click here!

haha i love that we both love -- and live by -- le petit prince :)
"(C)hildren have knowledge that is worth something and should be built upon"
If you try to live by these eloquent words of yours, Maria, you will be well ahead of the game. The reminder that we first and foremost "teach kids" connects with your comments elsewhere about the importance of getting to know your students. It isn't just a nice idea...I think it's a plainly practical project. Kids vitally need to have adults in their lives who value who they are and what they can do and are *interested* in all of the above. I think that kids who feel so valued are a lot more likely to push themselves to perform in school.
These are inspiring words you write here, Maria...very auspicious.
The Prince truly is a great source of wisdom. As a segue into your comment, I see a lit of le Petit Prince in the story of the little robot on his own planet. I totally have already seen Wall-E. It was certainly my favorite movie of the summer until last weekend, still my favorite non-thriller ;)
Hey Maria-
I couldn't agree more about the importance of making this a fulfilling experience. We're dealing with quite a cast of characters on a day-to-day basis, and it will be over before we know it.
So you like the commune idea, eh? No pressure here, but if you can commit 100% to it soon, I see no reason why we can't call it "Sloanstown". Think about it.
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